What makes Aloe vera such a special plant?

Aloe vera appears as a complete medicine cabinet from nature. Until now, science has found over 200 ingredients in the plant. The ingredients are found in different quantities. It is not the effect of each individual active substance, or signaling substance alone, that makes Aloe vera special. It is the interaction of all the substances that gives the positive effect.

The ingredients work like an orchestra.

Musical experiences come from the interaction between all the instruments in an orchestra. If any of the instruments are missing, the result will not be good. Likewise, it happens if one of the instruments dominates far too much.

The same applies to nutrients we take into the body.

Aloe vera has the unique int the way that the ingredients are balanced in relation to each other. It is the interaction of all the substances that make the positive effects of Aloevera possible.

Some of the ingredients in Aloe Vera:

  • 20 amino acids.7 out of a total of 8 are essential, ie must be obtained through food.
  • Minerals, - calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese.
  • Vitamins; Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, BetaCarotin.
  • Enzymes, the body's biocatalysts.Plus important secondary substances from plant kingdoms that are very effective

Aloe Vera used daily ensures a good absorption of nutrients into the body

  • Aloe Vera supports all body functions 
  • Aloe Vera stimulates bowel activity

  • Aloe Vera is considered a superfood.
  • Aloe Vera cleans both the intestines, blood vessels and connective tissue.
  • Aloe Vera strengthens the immune system.
  • Aloe Vera is anti-inflammatory.
  • Aloe Vera increases the body's overall energy

Aloe Vera improves blood flow and enables the body to heal itself

The active substances in Aloevera act on the microscopic small cells that can swell up on the inner walls of the capillaries. In many people these have est out. Aloevera drinking gel works so that these cells become smaller. The blood flows more easily and supplies cells and tissues better with oxygen and nutrition.

When the oxygen supply works again, cells, tissues and organs can regenerate. Acids are neutralized, poisons and slag substances are gradually transported away

Today, lifestyle diseases are the number 1 cause of death in our Western world. Diseases in blood vessels such as heart attacks and strokes make up a large part of the deaths. If the cause is not treated, symptoms will always recur.

Aloe vera acts directly on the cause and restores the healthy blood flow in the capillar